Menopause is most common problem encountered by women though the years. Some observers note that it might be the manifestations and changes to the physical and emotional structure of women brought about by this stage that makes more women dread the onset of this natural life occurrence. Women in their late 40s and older are usually those who experience the clear and evident symptoms of the onset of this female phase of life.Through the years, experts from all around the world have been awed by the fact that studies how that more Chinese women in the mainland do not even know what menopausal stage is. Looking closely at the situation, it is amazing to note that there are fewer Chinese women who are experiencing the usual and basic manifestations of menopause. Now, you would get the explanation to answer this occurrence.Menopause is natural and is inevitable, although more Chinese women are able to avoid symptoms and manifestations. It has been found that there are traditional Chinese herbal medicines that help women battle out and avoid the onset of the dreaded female menopause.There are several specific Chinese medicines to help alleviate the harsh onset of menopause. Among those products are these two:Kun Bao WanAlso popularly known as Menopause Pill, Kun Bao Wan has an effective and potent formula that is proven to effectively help relieve symptoms of menopausal among women. In Chinese medicine practice, the formula in the pill has been in use for about a thousand years already.Kun Bao Wan helps regulate hormonal imbalance brought about by the onset of menopause years. This imbalance is cited for the manifestations of menopause like insomnia, hot flushes, restlessness and night sweating. As a form of added features, the pill is also known to help improve the body’s blood circulation. The medicine also helps maintain normal and active metabolism, relieve stress and amnesia and balance the body’s inner hormonal and nutrient levels.Zhi Bai Di Huang WanAnother Chinese medicine, Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan helps maintain regular and normal hormone levels among aging women. The treatment was originally used in China as cure to liver and kidney problems. Nowadays, Chinese medicine practitioners recommend Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan for the hard onset of menopause among women.Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan helps eliminate several adverse and uncomfortable manifestations of menopause in women like hot flushes, night sweats, chronic sore throat, frequent urination of dark urine, pain in the lower back, uneasiness, afternoon fevers and nocturnal emissions. The treatment is made of a potent Chinese medicine formula known to help patients regulate menopause onsets.Psoriasis and eczema are other ailments that Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan can help treat effectively. The treatment also comes in tablet forms for easier intake and more convenient handling.Buying the productsSpringherb is a Chinese medicine specialist operating in the United Kingdom that helps distribute herbal medicines that help propel hot flushes, annoyance and other manifestations of menopause among women. The company ensures that the products it sells under its line are tested and ensured to be safe and really effective.Springherb is a Chinese medicine specialist that is operating actively within the United Kingdom market. Visit their headquarter and main store at Newark in Nottinghamshire. The store has all the essential and really helpful Chinese herbal products. Acupuncture and massage services are also provided first hand. You can reach the company through telephone hotline at 01636-706892. Business hours start at 9:30 a.m. to 5:50 p.m. daily from Monday to Saturday.